Fundação de Blues americana promove a música e defende gênero da extinção
Fundada em 1980, em Memphis, a Blues Foundation nasceu para ajudar, promover e manter acesa a chama do gênero, que desde aquela década já passava pela UTI da música.
Em uma fundação bem organizada. Trabalha com os conceitos de aprendizagem do blues, com Blues School e com a divulgação de artistas novos no mercado. São mais de 3500 membros individuais além de 185 outras organizações locais de blues também afiliadas.
Outro fator relevante que a organização mantém viva é uma porção importante da história americana. É inimaginável desvincular a história dos estados unidenses do blues.
Em entrevista exclusiva para o seu humilde blog de blues, meu caro leitor, um dos diretores da Blues Foundation, Jay Seieleman conta um pouco sobre a fundação e o blues. A entrevista está em inglês, mas da para entender o que o nosso amigo quis dizer.
1) When the Foundation was created,was it because the blues needs a foundation. Why does the blues needs a foundation?
I think the for-profit music industry did not service the blues fan community sufficiently so the fans took matters into their own hands. They could not find the LPs, the concerts, the stories, the awards programs, etc. so they formed their own local blues societies and a national blues foundation. The fans and musicians and others filled a gap that was not being met.
2) How to support a foundation like the Blues foundation? ( I am talking about money.)
The first thing is to become a member at whatever dollar level you can afford. But be a member!! Other ways are to buy merchandise, tickets, advertising and participate in silent auctions. People can make donations to the HART Fund and to Generations Blues directly and 100% goes to the purposes of these funds. More about these on our website
3) The blues foundation can change lifes?
The HART Fund can pay for lifesaving or life-changin medical care; Generation Blues can send a young musician to summer camp; winning the IBC or BMA can change your career path.
4) What is blues for you?
Most importantly it is good music and fun. Listening to good blues music makes me happy, lifts my spirits.
5) BB King said here in Brazil that people don’t pay attention in the blues anymore, people doesn't care about the blues anymore. It's true?
I think blues music goes up and down in popularity, but it was never pop music enjoyed by the masses. It was always a niche music, but it is a niche music that has influenced so many musicians and kinds of music. Blues is something that is savored by people with discerning tastes. Blues will be around forever like Beethoven or Bach.
6) The American people recognize like a important piece of the American history?
The average person does not recognize this but the average person does not know history, does not know music history or does not know African-American history. For people who do know history, there is little debate about the importance and role of blues music in American history. It is very important.
7) How to keep the blues alive?
Play it, buy it, listen to it, see and hear it live, talk about it, write about it, share it, promote it, turn your friends on to it, buy a bluesman lunch, draw it, paint it and on and on
8) I am a brazilian, 21 years old. I had a opportunity to listen blues because of the internet. Do you think that is possible people around the world know about the blues easier today?
Absolutely, blues fans no matter where they live can get together on websites, blogs, facebook, twitter, chat rooms, internet radio and communicate with each other by e-mail as we are doing?
9) What do you think about the music today?
There is always the classics of blues whether it is Son House or Muddy Waters, and then Buddy Guy and Taj Mahal, but there is also younger acts like Eden Brent, Lightnin’ Malcom and Cedric Burnside, Nick Moss, Kilborn Alley Blues Band, Dave Gross, Trampled Under Foot, Homemade Jamz Blues Band and North Mississippi All-Stars and on and on.
10) What is the main bluesman today for you?
Many, many—Elvin Bishop, Taj Mahal, Magic Slim & the Teardrops, Rick Estrin & the Nightcats, John Hammond, Eric Bibb, Tad Robinson.
11) Do you know some brazilian bluesmen? Several of them already played with the american bluesmen like BB King.
I have heard of Nuno Midelis and Igor Prado